
The Todd Herman Show

Saturdays: 8-10PM (ET)

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For eight years, Todd Herman was a market-dominant talk radio host in Seattle on KTTH. During six years of that time, Todd was also a regular fill-in for Rush Limbaugh until Rush’s passing in 2021. Todd now brings his talents to national syndication with a 2-hour weekly program featured on stations across the country.

Before his broadcasting career, he was a CEO and founder of a start-up and an executive with Microsoft. Todd Herman is not a Republican. He is a Christian conservative.

The Todd Herman Show covers many areas across our political and cultural landscape including: the anti-scientific, ruinous COVID policies, big pharma, gender ideology, big tech censorship, climate change and other major issues that impact our daily lives.

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703-302-1000 (press 2 or dial ext 250)

or 800-807-4703 (press 2 or dial ext 250)

703-302-1000 (press 2 or dial ext 250)

703-302-1000 (press 1)

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