Dark Wars: The Border follows award-winning investigative journalist Sara Carter on her perilous journey to uncover information that reveals how the porous U.S.-Mexico border has become a national security threat, unlike anything America has ever encountered. During the Spring and Summer of 2022, Carter embedded with border patrol agents via foot, horseback, car, and helicopter – interviewing coyotes that work for the cartel and migrants alike – to reveal chilling stories that have not been told by the media.
She traveled to El Salvador and Guatemala to understand how cartels use social media to recruit migrants under the guise of easy passage and a better life, only to encounter abuse, rape, and death. Carter also obtained a rare, in-person interview with Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei about his perspective on America’s immigration crisis. In this chilling documentary series, you’ll learn how China, America’s greatest foreign adversary, is leveraging the border crisis to expand America’s opioid epidemic and weaken U.S. security, while strengthening its influence in the region. Welcome to the Dark Wars.